Study After Priestess Arazue Zishangal, 2025. Brown ink on vellum, 4 x 6 in.
Arazue would have been one of the three playable characters in Ashes and Dust. A native of the ash-covered Rodinian region of Zabool, Arazue was raised in the faith of the Enshrinement and ended up becoming the first-ever ordained priestess of Rodinian heritage. She returned to her hometown of Zabool after the war to help rebuild the settlement’s looted shrine and aid the fractured, traumatized community.
Between Teccla’s random intellectualism and Leoba’s spacy scrupulousness, Arazue was the voice of reason of the trio:
“I can’t believe I have to say this, but we’re not spending the shrine’s food money on knives! And we’re absolutely not playing around with knives in the first place! What is wrong with you two?”
This drawing is a new pen and ink version of a sketch of Arazue done for the game in 2020.